This game has a very fun concept and forces you to think, a very innovative and interesting traffic game. You play a stage, which is a map where you plan and drive routes one by one for each vehicle. As you do, the previously completed routes are played increasing the difficulty and number of cars on screen reducing road room and routes. Plan out your moves ahead of time don't be late, you'll find yourself grinning like a crazy person. It's very visually pleasing, and the controls function well and are responsive.
Does not Commute for Android, which runs on Android 2.3 and above, is available in all markets supported by the Google Play Store. There are several in-app purchases that will enable the ability to continue from checkpoints, so be careful with how you spend (or not spend) your money. You can also download Does not Commute APK (see source link below).
Download APK
Requires Android: 2.3+
File: 39MB (Does not Commute APK)
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